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  3. Grant Cycle Management: Review and Decision Making

How do I send out Award and Declination emails through JustFund?

Once you have set up your awards and declination email templates on the platform, to send out the emails: 

  • Click on your “Dashboard”
  •  Click into the grant cycle card under “Submissions” for the grant cycle you plan to send notifications for

Once you click on the grant cycle card, the “Submissions” table will now show the following new columns:

  • Grant amount
  • Committed date (hidden by default)
  • Paid date (hidden by default)
  • Funding status
  • Send email
  • Email status

Sending an Award Email Notification

If you have already marked funding on the platform, the “Funding Status” will automatically show as “Committed”.

You also have the option to mark the commitment through the submissions table.

After completing the commitment and clicking “Save”, the following modal will appear:

If you click “No” the following will occur:

  • The modal should close and the submissions table should appear
  • The “Funding Status” for the application should update to “Committed”
  • The “Send Email” button should enable
  • The “Email Status” should remain “Not sent”
  • “Grant Amount”, “Committed Date”, and “Paid Date” should update their values
  • The commitment should appear in funding table with its correct data

If you click “Yes” in the communication email modal or click on the “Send Email” button in an application marked as “Committed”, the award template preview should appear with the following information and fields:


  • To: Applicant contact email + Fiscal sponsor email (if applies) by default
  • Cc: Empty by default
  • Bcc: Empty by default

Email Preview:

  • Award templates dropdown with the default selected but with the possibility of changing it
  • Award template preview selected above

The default award template will automatically show up, but you can click on the drop down to select another saved template. 

New emails can be added and existing emails can be deleted. A new email can be added by typing it and clicking “Add” or hitting “Enter”.

If an email has an incorrect format, when clicking “Add”, an error message will appear.

In addition, existing emails can be deleted by clicking the remove button “X”.

After you have selected all recipients and selected the correct award template, the award email can be sent by clicking the “Send” button. You will then see the “Email Status” in the submissions table will now show “Sent”.

You have the ability to resend an email as many times as needed. If you hover over the “Email Status” column, you will be able to see who the recipient of the email is. 

Sending a Declination Email Notification

After updating the “Funding status” to “Declined” and clicking “Send Email” button in the application, the declination template preview should appear with the following information and fields:


  • To: Applicant contact email + Fiscal sponsor email (if applies) by default
  • Cc: Empty by default
  • Bcc: Empty by default

Email Preview:

  • Declination templates dropdown with the default selected but with the possibility of changing it
  • Declination template preview selected above

New emails can be added and existing emails can be deleted. A new email can be added by typing it and clicking “Add” or hitting “Enter”.

In addition, existing emails can be deleted by clicking the remove button “X”.

After you have selected all recipients and selected the correct award template, the declination email can be sent by clicking the “Send” button. You will then see the “Email Status” in the submissions table will now show “Sent.”


You have the ability to resend an email as many times as needed.  If you hover over the “Email Status” column, you will be able to see who the recipient of the email is. 


You can also send emails through the funding table as well. 

You are now ready to send out your awards notifications and declinations emails.

To learn how to send declination emails in bulk, click here.

Next: Set up funder check-ins