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  2. For Funder Partners
  3. Grant Cycle Management: Review and Decision Making

How do I set up an award and/or declination email template?

Once your fund has marked commitments on the JustFund platform, you are ready to send out awards and declination emails to your applicants to notify them of your decision.

Managing your awards and declinations email templates:

  • Login to your fund account 

Click on the right-hand corner of the page under your PROFILE icon and the “Email Template Management” option will be displayed in the dropdown list



Note: This options will only be displayed if the fund user has the following user permissions turned on:

  • The user has “Mark Funding” permission

Click here to learn more about how to manage user permissions on the Fund account.

Once you click on “Email Template Management”, the Template Management page will be displayed with the following options:

  • Award Templates
  • Declination Templates



Setting up award template:

Click on “Award Templates.” The award templates page will now be displayed.

First, you’ll need to create an award template to use in your communications. When clicking the “Create Template” button, the default award template will be displayed. 

You can now edit any of the following text boxes and upload a logo:

  • Subject line
  • Body of the email
  • Closing of the email

Note: If you choose to upload a logo, please use an image that will fit in a circular space.

All text fields are editable but cannot remain empty, otherwise the “Save” button will be disabled and the award template will not be saved.

The grant recipient, grant amount, grant type, and project purpose fields cannot be edited and will be directly pulled into the email from the commitment information your team has marked on the platform via the funding model. 

If you click on the “Cancel” button, it will return to the award templates page. If you click on the “Save” button, the award template will be saved and displayed at the bottom of the award templates table.

Once you have saved the template, use the pencil tool on the right-hand side to edit, duplicate, or delete the draft. You can save as many award templates as needed. 


You will be able to sort through your award email templates with the following filters:

  • Template name
  • Created by
  • Date created
  • Modified by
  • Date modified 

You can also select a “Default” template which will automatically be chosen once you are ready to send out an email. You can also use the search bar to search for a specific template to edit, duplicate, or delete.

Note: If you’re issuing grants through Amalgamated Charitable Foundation, please use the recommended language in your award templates:

“Good Afternoon,

General Operating Support 

We are pleased to inform you that , a fund of the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation (Grantor), has recommended a general operating support grant of to .

Project Support (fiscally sponsored project)

We are pleased to inform you that , a fund of the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation (Grantor), has recommended a project support grant of to for .

Project Support

We are pleased to inform you that , a fund of the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation (Grantor), has recommended a project support grant of to for .

In the coming weeks, you will receive your grant, official grant award letter, and grant guidelines from the Amalgamated Charitable Foundation (ACF).

If you would like to receive the grant via ACH transfer, please have the 501(c)(3) entity receiving funds on behalf of your organization set up an Amalgamated Charitable Foundation GranteeView account. If you have a fiscal sponsor, the GranteeView account should be set up by your fiscal sponsor. The ACH information should be entered into your GranteeView account by in order to receive this grant via ACH transfer.”


To exit out of the “Award Templates”, click the back button on your browser. 

Setting up declination templates

Click on the “Declination Templates" option.


To create a declination email template, click on the “Create Template” on the right-hand side of the page and the default declination template will be displayed.

All text fields are editable but cannot remain empty, otherwise the “Save” button will be disabled and the declination template will not be saved.

If you click on the “Cancel” button, it will return to the declination templates page. If you click on the “Save” button, the award template will be saved and displayed at the bottom of the declination templates table.

You will be able to filter award email templates through the following options:

  • Template name
  • Created by
  • Date created
  • Modified by
  • Date modified 

You can also select a “Default” template which will automatically be chosen once you are ready to send out an email. Or, use the search bar to search for a specific template to edit, duplicate, or delete.

You can now easily manage all award and declination templates through the “Email Template Management” feature on the JustFund platform.

To learn how to send out your email communications, click here.