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  2. For Funder Partners
  3. Grant Cycle Management: Setting Up Your RFP

How do I set up an invitation email template?

You can create and send Invitation emails to applicants invited to apply to your grant cycle directly from your account. Navigate to the Profile Icon and click the Email Template Management option from the list. 

Note: This option will only be displayed if the fund user has the following user permissions turned on:

  • The user has “Mark Funding” permission

Click here to learn more about how to manage user permissions on the Fund account.

Setting up the Invite Template

The Template Management page allows you to create and edit Invitation, Award, and Declination templates. 

Select the Invitations category and click the “+Template” button to set up your new Invitation email. 

When the default Invitation template appears, edit the following text boxes and add a logo: 

  • Subject line
  • Body of the email
  • Closing of the email

Please note that the Save button will remain disabled until all text boxes have been updated with information. The customizable fields cannot remain empty. 

The grant cycle name, grant cycle deadline, applicant name, and fund contact information will automatically populate based on the grant cycle RFP and the applicant receiving the email. 

Click the Preview button to preview your new Invitation email. Then, click the Save button when you are done editing the template. 

All saved templates will appear in the Invitations section of the Template Management page. You will be able to sort through your award email templates with the following filters:

  • Template name
  • Created by
  • Date created
  • Modified by
  • Date modified

Managing Email Templates

You can Edit, Duplicate, and Delete drafted Invitation templates from the Template Management page. To do so, click the respective icon located in the Actions column of the Template table.