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  2. For Funder Partners
  3. Grant Cycle Management: Setting Up Your RFP

How do I view applications submitted to my grant cycle?

You can view applications submitted to a grant cycle by clicking DASHBOARD in the menu bar, navigating to the SUBMISSIONS section, and clicking into the grant cycle card for which you would like to review submissions.

All submissions to the grant cycle will be visible, filterable, and downloadable for you.

At a glance, you will be able to view the organization, application name, submit date, and organization contact for each submission. To view application content, click the application name hyperlink. Additionally, you can download all submission information as a PDF, CSV, or copy content to your clipboard to review offline by choosing the option of your choice on the top left corner of the table.

You can also filter your funding by selecting the filtering section on the top left corner, and typing in keywords to support your search.

Next: Set up scoring for your grant cycle