Step 1: Adding a New Grant Cycle
Please note that all Grant Cycle Intake forms should be completed 5 business days prior to the announcement date/launch to allow the JustFund team to review and approve the RFP.
To set up a new rolling grant cycle, login to your account and click on Grants on the left hand side of the top menu bar. Then, click on "Add New Grant Cycle."
Fill out each section of the Grant Cycle Intake form. Hit “Next” to continue through the form. Make sure to select "Rolling" in the Grant Cycle Format section.
Step 2: Key Dates
- Announcement Date: JustFund requires that all Grant Cycle Announcement Dates be scheduled Tuesday through Thursday, launching at 6:00 AM PST/9:00 AM EST.
- Deadline Date: JustFund requires that all deadline dates be scheduled Tuesday through Thursday with the application period closing at 5:00 PM PST/8:00 PM EST.
- These dates and times are set to follow best practices and ensure staff are available to provide any necessary technical support.
Step 4: Filling out your RFP
Please fill out the fields in the intake form to create your Request for Proposal (RFP) page. The RFP will be visible to grantseekers on JustFund on the Announcement Date. If your grant cycle is invite-only, only the grantseekers that you have invited will be able to view the RFP. Applicants will be able to read any information including your eligibility criteria, key dates, and they will be able to click Apply from your RFP page. The RFP will no longer be visible to grantseekers after the Deadline Date. You will be able to preview your RFP before it becomes live.
Important Tip: If you would like to collect additional information beyond JustFund's Common Proposal, you can add up to 3 supplemental questions and request up to 3 attachments from applicants.
Step 4: Notifications
Please indicate whether you'd like JustFund to manage any communications for your grant cycle.
Step 5: Invitations
If you are running an Invite-Only cycle then you will see the "Invite Grantees" page. To invite grantees to apply for your funding opportunity, click "+" in the table below. You can add a Grantee that currently has a JustFund account, or you can invite a new Grantee to JustFund.
Step 6: Submitting Grant Cycle Intake Form
Once you click Submit, you can go to Grants and click Preview to view the RFP as it will appear to your applicants.
A member of the JustFund team will reach out after we receive your submission and have reviewed the content. If there are no additional questions or edits, you will receive an email from the JustFund team confirming that the grant cycle will launch and the RFP will go live on your scheduled Announcement Date.